Under the motto "The best from the valley for the valley", food of the highest quality is produced and available to the people of the valley, both locals and guests.
Less industrial junk is delivered to the valley and the self-sufficiency of the valley is increased - and with incomparably better quality - in terms of enjoyment and health.
The farms will become more colorful again. More pigs will be kept again, because the resulting whey is an ideal animal feed. Large home gardens, orchards, potato fields, herb, vegetable and grain cultivation will enrich agriculture and tourism in the valley. Farmer & innkeeper as a partner.
Cultivated land is agricultural land
One look at the Wagrain-Kleinarl valley is enough to come to the profound realization that tourism and agriculture are twin children of Mother Earth, are descendants of the one and the same biotope, live off the same resources and their sustainable existence is bound to each other forever and ever.
The care and preservation of the cultural landscape, which is the charm and character of the Wagrain-Kleinarl Valley, lies solely in the hands of farmers - and has done so for generations. Even young farming families, who manage in a contemporary way, do not know a 5-day week, an 8-hour day and do not have 5 weeks of vacation per year. Farm life means being responsible for house and farm and for a healthy animal population 365 days a year and working without watching the clock.
Without the great idealism and without the close connection to his farm and to nature, without the cohesion in the farming families, the management of the farms in the valley Wagrain-Kleinarl, the vast majority of them mountain farms with difficult economic conditions, would not be possible.
We see the valley Wagrain-Kleinarl as the organic valley in Salzburg Land, where organic farming and tourism work closely together. We see organic farmers and also hosts on the farms,who manage and maintain their farms with intact large families for generations.
We see a valley where people treat nature and animals with respect and where regional resources (soil, land, energy) are used together in an optimal way for the valley.
We see committed people who are proud to make their contribution to the implementation of the organic valley project, whether as regional organic suppliers or as appreciative consumers and/or as restaurateurs.
We see colorful picture book farms on which high quality raw materials for the best organic food are produced, which are traditionally handcrafted and professionally produced in a contemporary way.We see dairy farmers who also market the meat from their dual-purpose breeds in the valley. And we see the constant development of the range of organic foods offered: pork, sheep, goat, chicken, eggs, pasta, fruit, berries, herbs, potatoes, cabbage, rye, ...
We see dairy farmers who also market the meat from their dual-purpose breeds in the valley. And we see the constant development of the range of organic foods offered: pork, sheep, goat, chicken, eggs, pasta, fruit, berries, herbs, potato, cabbage, rye, ...
We see satisfied guests who value the environment of the valley known as organic and are willing to pay a fair price for this added value and extra effort.
With the industrialization of the economy, the methods of industry have also successively found their way into agriculture:
Rationalization, standardization and specialization were the buzzwords of the supposedly modern contemporary management of farms. The consequences of monocultures and factory farming are now well known.
Organic farmers as dropouts and as switchers
Some farmers deliberately did not go along with this development from the beginning, while others later opted for organic, farm-based management and sustainable circular farming. Until the 1970s, one speaks of the pioneering phase of organic farming.
This was characterized by idealism and experimentation - without any official rules and subsidies. In the 1990s, organic farming becomes institutionalized. Associations and federations with corresponding statutes were founded and the first legal rules came into force. Premiums for organic farming were introduced nationally and at the European level.
Compliance with the legal requirements for the production of organic food is strictly monitored and regularly controlled.
Sideline and mainstay tourismIn
Mountain areas such as Wagrain-Kleinarl, the vast majority of farms were no longer viable from the mid-1950s onwards. Some were abandoned, many have since been run on a sideline basis.
With the development of the valley for summer but even more for winter tourism, the farmers got a second mainstay. Farm vacations are a very popular product and on many farms an important part of the family income is generated.